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Accelerating the speed of science

Autonomous discovery uses robotics, AI and machine learning to answer big questions faster

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Argonne National Laboratory is a U.S. Department of Energy multidisciplinary science and engineering research center, where talented researchers work together to answer the biggest questions facing humanity.

Department of Energy User Facilities

Argonne’s user facilities provide researchers with open access to the most advanced tools of modern science. Each year, nearly 8,000 researchers from academia, industry, and government laboratories use these facilities to perform new scientific research.
Explore National Scientific User Facilities Arrow


Working at the interface between academia, federal agencies, industry, research institutions and state and local governments, our researchers have cultivated their interdisciplinary expertise in order to best solve national challenges in key areas.

Research Highlights

Our scientists conduct research that advances the frontiers of science and creates new knowledge. Here you will find some of our most recent research highlights.


In addition to our mission in groundbreaking discovery science and engineering, Argonne is committed to supporting the region and the nation through economic development, educational programming, and community outreach efforts.